TLDR: Due to COVID-19 many of us and many industries have been impacted. Safety has been the number one topic being that there is no cure. The travel industry has slowed down tremendously and its safety has been questioned. Many people choose not to travel, but those who do I recommend to be safe to not only protect yourself, but also your loved ones.
For more details, read the post below.
We are currently facing a pandemic, COVID-19 has hit the world hard. Schools have closed their campuses, sporting and entertainment events have been cancelled, unemployment has increased, many business had to close, the economy is not doing well and much more. Of course, travel has been heavily impacted with the reduction of travelers.

Everyone has their own personal views when it comes to travel at this time. There are several factors that doesn’t help many people like me such as cheap flights, the opening of several states, and the summer season. Did I get the travel itch at any point? Yes, 100%, being quarantined for almost 3 three months is not easy.
In March, I had a trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico, but I had to cancel it due to the pandemic. I decided to just sit back and wait as long as I can before I think of traveling. The biggest factor that held me back was the fear of getting my family sick.
If you were to ask me if I should travel, I would say hold off as long as possible especially for those that:
- Live with older people (i.e. parents, grand-parents etc.)
**Unless you have a place to quarantine for at least 14 days once you return
- Weak immune system
- Want to go abroad
Stay within the U.S., there is no cure at the moment and every country handles the pandemic differently
- Want to party
Remember some people are asymptomatic for COVID-19.
You don’t have to stay locked up at home all day everyday, here are a few things you can do:
- Join the Nike Run Club and challenge your friends
- Go hiking
- Plan a picnic at a park
- Explore your city by walking/ driving
Just keep your distance from others as much as you can (Minimum 6 feet). I am also realistic when it comes to hanging out with others, human interaction is important. If you can try to hang out with the same circle/ same people to limit your interactions with too many people.

Ever since I had arrived in the west coast, I make sure to continue the following precautions that may be useful for you as well:
- Wash my hands
If i’m unable to wash my hands with soap, I will use hand sanitizer as often as possible
- Wear a mask
There has been controversy over wearing a mask, but by wearing a mask you are not only protecting yourself but those around you.
- Sanitize my personal items (i.e. cellphone)
- Keep my distance in public (Minimum 6 feet)
- Don’t touch door handles in public without a napkin
Fortunately, there is so much space in Washington, Oregon and California so I am able to take advantage of the outdoors.
Coronavirus is something to take seriously, it has hit so many families. So should you travel? It really depends on you, just please take the necessary steps to stay safe.